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What are termites ?

Termites are small, wood-destroying insects that are usually between 1/4 of an inch and 1/2 an inch in length. These destructive insects are creamy-white to dark brown or black in color, and they live in large colonies with anywhere between 4,000 and 1,000,000 termites, depending on the species.

Drywood termites typically live in smaller colonies that only reach 4,800 termites or less, per colony. Subterranean termites may have much larger colonies overall. Subterranean termites depend on moisture and contact with soil to survive.

In contrast, dry wood termites don’t need either of those to live comfortably. Once a termite colony becomes large enough, they will begin producing winged reproductive termites to create a new colony somewhere nearby. These reproductive termites are commonly known as swarmers.

Are termites dangerous?

When it comes to the threats that termites can pose to humans, the only real danger is structural damage to your property. Termites aren’t known to bite, spread diseases, or cause humans any physical harm. However, they are infamous for the extreme amounts of destruction they can bring to your commercial or residential property.

Subterranean termites are some of the most destructive types of termites when it comes to man-made structures. Subterranean termites are more commonly known than other species of termite, such as dry-wood termites. While both types of termites can damage your property, subterranean termites are recognized for doing more damage, and more quickly. Given enough time, termites are capable of collapsing an entire building! Needless to say, these are pests you don’t want hanging around your home or business.

Why do I have a termite problem?

Across all species of ants, the main reason ant colonies choose to invade homes is for food. Odorous house ants, pharaoh ants, raspberry crazy ants, and even carpenter ants, are all after the food sources they can find in your home. However, in the case of carpenter ants, they also invade the shelter your home can provide for them. If food is left in an area where ants can find and bring it back to their colony, it won’t be long until the whole colony moves closer to that available food source.

Where will I find termites ?

Both termite species are often found in wooden structures above the ground. However, only subterranean termites need lots of moisture and contact with soil to have an above-ground colony. When subterranean termites are not infesting a property, they may be found in large, underground colonies. Once termites get inside, they can be found in structural beams, wooden supports, under floorboards, in rafters, under porches, inside the window frame, and inside structural components that are made out of wood.

Where do I get rid of termites ?

You may be tempted to try a DIY solution for your termite infestation, but understand that it takes years of experience to know the steps to eliminate termites. Often, several termite colonies are infesting separate parts of your property. This means that, even if you treat one colony, there may be several other colonies hidden elsewhere in your home or business. Here at It’s Bugs Or Us, we possess the tools and experience required to handle both small and large scale termite invasions. With our liquid treatments and baiting systems, you can achieve a termite-free home all year round. To get the complete termite protection you need, give us a call!

How can I prevent termites in the future?

With termites being are a significant problem for property owners throughout the United States, a quality termite control plan is your best option for a termite-free property! However, there are a few steps you can take to make your property less likely to be invaded, such as:

  • Reducing as much moisture as possible. This includes removing water-damaged wood, repairing leaking fixtures, and repairing faulty piping.
  • Ensuring that the exterior wooden components of your home are adequately painted and finished, as dry wood termites tend to invade unfinished wood.
  • Keeping firewood stored away from your home or business building, and removing any old logs, stumps, or decaying wood from your property.
  • Keeping the wood-to-soil contact on your property to a minimum as it can attract many different pests, including termites.

Unfortunately, even the steps listed above will not keep your property 100% safe from termites. The most effective way to have a termite-free property is with a little help from the pest technicians here at It’s Bugs Or Us. For more information on our termite removal methods or to schedule your free inspection, reach out to us today!
